Temporary Tattoos: How to Test Tattoos Before Going Permanent


Tattoos have been a beautiful form of self-expression for millennia but, of course they are permanent! Perhaps there is a way to test out a tattoo before making it permanent? A way to test drive your tattoo before buying for life?

If you want test out a tattoo before making it permanent, You can use temporary tattoos which are now more realistic than ever before. Temporary tattoos come in many different forms and can be made for any budget. 

The world of temporary and semi-permanent tattoos is emerging, choices are expanding and there are even DIY options for making temporary tattoos yourself, in your own home. Lets read on to learn about all the options… 

Worried about the pain of getting tattooed? Click the image below and get some numbing gel!

Long Lasting Temporary Tattoos

YES! It is possible to try out a tattoo before committing to the permanent ink. There are many options for long lasting temporary tattoos. You can try out different designs and locations to find the perfect fit. 

Most temporary tattoos typically last anywhere from a couple of days to 1-2 weeks. There are three main options when it comes to long lasting temporary tattoos:

  • Henna Tattoos

  • Airbrush Tattoos 

  • Press On Tattoos

Each of these options have different application methods and each have a certain flair to complement the wearer.

Henna Is A Way To Dye Your Skin For A Temporary Tattoo

Henna is also known as Mehndi. This form of tattoo is done using a paste made from dried leaves of the Henna plant called Lawspmoa Inermis. The paste is applied to the skin in intricate, mandala-like designs that when dried dyes the skin, leaving behind a design in a beautiful reddish brown color. The longer the paste is left on, the darker the tattoo will be.

In India it is very popular for brides to adorn their hands and feet. It is also used on special occasions. Some people have had allergic reactions such as rashes and itching so, if this is a method you choose, proceed with caution. Consult your doctor if you have concerns.

There are traditional patterns for henna tattoos but more recently people have used the technique to create a wide variety of designs. These days henna could be used to create just about any sort of design for temporary tattooing.

Airbrush Tattoos Are Artistic and Realistic


Airbrush tattoos can be made to look VERY realistic without the lifetime commitment. Airbrush tattoos are applied using an airbrush and temporary ink to the skin's surface. There are no needles involved so this is a pain free process!

Airbrush tattoos are applied using stencils or freehand with ink that is safe for the skin. The vibrant colors bring the design to life. This is a perfect way to test out a tattoo before making it permanent. Lasting about 5-10 days depending on ink quality and placement, the airbrush tattoo can be instantly removed if so desired with rubbing alcohol. 

The best part is that you can start making temporary airbrush tattoos yourself! It is relatively inexpensive to get everything you need to get started making designs in your own home or as an added service in your health and beauty business. Click the image below to check out kits you can purchase on Amazon!

Press On Tattoos 

Press on tattoos are actually quite common now and not just for kids! They are now available in a huge variety of designs of all types. They are applied by pressing onto the skin using transfer paper and water. These are simple to apply to the skin and easily removed with rubbing alcohol or baby oil. 

Press on tattoos last for 1 to 2 weeks. These tattoos are readily available with many designs to choose from. There are companies that offer larger and more realistic press on tattoos for adults to experiment with for fun or when considering a real tattoo. The cost is anywhere from a couple of dollars for a sheet up to $50 for a more high end choice. 

Check out the links below to see some of the options for amazing temporary press on tattoos



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What is the longest a temporary tattoo can last?

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The longest a temporary tattoo can last is up to 3 or 4 weeks with the right tools. With the proper care and protection, a temporary tattoo can last beyond expectations. To extend the life of your temporary tattoo from the typical two week and possibly stretch it to three or maybe even four weeks keep these tips and tricks in mind. 

  • Place in a low friction area 

  • Place on clean and thoroughly dried skin

  • Place on a hairless area if possible or shave hair away.

  • Place in a less oil prone area like ankles, feet and wrists

  • Place where it will have little exposure to elements like sun and water

  • Place in a smooth location free or wrinkles or raised skin

  • Treat with a sealer or setting spray to protect and extend the tattoo’s life 

What is the longest lasting temporary tattoo?

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If you are looking into a temporary tattoo with no needles involved then the longest lasting option would be a Henna Tattoo. 

Of all temporary tattoo options, henna will be the longest lasting. Henna tattoos can last up to 5 weeks with proper care. For most longevity apply your temporary henna tattoo to an area of skin that is less oily and less prone to friction.

The downside to henna is the limitation of only being available in one color unless you choose some of the very sparkly options.

For more color options you will want to choose press on or airbrush for your temporary tattoos.

Press on tattoos last 1 to 2 weeks. Made to fade quickly, these are ideal for someone who loves a little variety an wants to switch it up! There are tons of options and low commitment.

Airbrush tattoos can last up to 10 days and are full of color. They look like a wearable painting and are very attractive.  

Are there tattoos that last for a few years?

It might be tempting to want a tattoo that can last for just a few years but still provide the opportunity to remove it or have it fade away eventually. Unfortunately this is not currently possible.

Short of laser treatment to remove permanent tattoos there are no tattoos that last years before fading away on their own. Once you move out of the temporary tattoo lifespan of days or weeks you are in the realm of permanent alterations.

Of course laser removal IS an option but removing a tattoo usually requires a series of laser treatments which can be uncomfortable and very costly. Furthermore, removal is never guaranteed, and sometimes after many treatments the tattoo is only extremely lightened. People often turn to cover up tattoos. 

Ephemeral tattoo located in Brooklyn, Ny has developed a process they claim will dissipate after 1 year. Created by biomolecular engineer Seung Shin the ink is design to fade within 9-15 months. Currently the ink is only available in black and red. This method is very new, unproven and should be investigated thoroughly before purchasing.  

Can I Get a Custom Temporary Tattoo Made?


Temporary tattoos are a great way to test out having a tattoo before committing to a lifetime of wearing ink. There are dozens of options for finding temporary tattoo designs but are the ways to get a custom image?

Temporary tattoos have come a long way from the bubble gum machines in grocery stores. Several services now offer the ability to create fully customized temporary tattoos of almost any image or design.

You can get a temporary tattoo design that lasts a few days or up to two weeks. Order multiples of your favorite design and try it on in different locations.

Tattapic Brings Your Vision to Life 

With Tattapic you can have any custom designed tattoo your heart desires. Simply create your design or upload a picture you want to use either from your phone or computer and tattapic will do all the rest! There is also a variety of pre-made options to choose from. Tattapic is known for their realistic looking tattoos that could fool the untrained eye and possibly even a trained one. The secret is their TatBeReal potion, which really brings the pieces to life. Prepare to be amazed!

EasyInc Is the All Natural Choice

Easy Inc specializes in bringing your temporary tattoos to a whole new level. They use fruit based embedding Ink free of harmful chemicals. These semi-permanent tattoos are realistic and easy to apply.  First you start with their one of a kind Ink Booster Gel to get the longest wear possible out of your tattoo. Then you put on the tattoo patch. Unlike the press on tattoos, we were familiar with as children, this patch will sit on your skin for about two hours to create the most lifelike fake tattoo you have ever seen.  Like most press on tattoos these last up to two weeks.  

Momentary Ink Has the Options

Momentary Ink is a popular temporary tattoo company created when a couple put their minds together to come up with a solution their own dilemmas of deciding on a permanent tattoo. Momentary Ink offers two categories of tattoos, temporary and semi-permanent. 

The temporary tattoos can be full color or black and white. These have a matte finish and last between 3-5 days. The “semi-permanent” tattoos are made to look more realistic with a dark blue finish. These last 1 to 2 weeks. 

Momentary Ink has a vast selection of tattoos from big to small you can try out. One option that makes them stand out from the crowd is the option of purchasing their “freehand ink.” This idea is like Henna. This “semi-permanent” ink is a fruit-based formula for safe use. You can freehand draw your own design anywhere you choose. Perfect for the artsy individual who is ready to experiment. 

How can I turn a picture into a temporary tattoo?

Do you have a favorite picture you have always considered using for a temporary tattoo and wish there was a way to create a DIY temporary tattoo design?

You can indeed create your own temporary tattoo designs at home using a printer and decal paper.

For this option you will need:

Print your picture using the inkjet printer. You will want high quality settings and “glossy photo” selected on your printing properties.

  • Stick the adhesive paper to the printed photo and smooth out any bubbles with your ruler or flat edged object

  • OR if you want to skip the step of pressing the photo on to the adhesive paper, you could print directly onto the adhesive paper instead. 

  • Remove the plastic layer if you have not done so already and lay the adhesive side down on your skin.

  • Apply a damp paper towel to the matte back of the home made tattoo like you would with a press on tattoo. 

  • Gently peel off the paper after a minute and sucess!

Do it yourself tattoos are easier than ever before using these steps. The next time your kids have a birthday party you could have the best temporary tattoos around! 

Other DIY Options For Making Custom Temporary Tattoos 

The Eyeliner Tattoo For The Doodler

The artistic mind will love working with eyeliner for a temporary tattoo option. The eyeliner brush is often similar to paintbrushes. Some may be thicker at one end with a pointy tip, or have flowing fibers to create seamless wavy lines with texture. To create an eye liner tattoo you will need

  • Cardstock Paper

  • Eyeliner of choice

  • Hairspray

Establish your design with a rough draft. Practice makes perfect, that is where the cardstock comes in. Before you start to doodle, practice your design on cardstock or whatever paper you have on hand. Cardstock is suggested because it is thick and sturdy, and the eyeliner pencil will not catch as easily as on regular printer paper. 

Now that you have the perfect tattoo design down, it is time to apply it.

  • Draw your tattoo design on clean and thoroughly dried skin. 

  • Spray the finished product with hairspray to keep it fresh longer

  • Show off your skills

This form of a temporary tattoo is perfect for the artist who knows how to work a brush flawlessly or just for fun. 

How To Make A Temporary Tattoo With A Sharpie


Sharpies have the potential to make beautiful pieces of art. Sharpies come in many different colors and different textures can be achieved with a broad tipped or fine tipped marker depending on your desired design. 

  • Start with a clean and dry area of skin

  • Draw your tattoo design directly onto the skin

  • Powder the “tattoo” to set the ink

  • Enjoy your handiwork and show it off.

Sharpies are not an all-natural choice and do have chemicals that could cause an allergic reaction to some. Please be careful to not cover too much area when using sharpies and consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.

How Much Does it Cost to Make Custom Temporary Tattoos?

If you are considering taking the route of a DIY temporary tattoo, you may be wondering what it will cost. DIY tattoos can be very cost efficient! If you want more detailed and realistic looking temporary tattoos, that is when it will cost a little bit more. Check out the chart below for a brief comparison.  

Type of Tattoo

Starting Cost

Tattoo Duration

Sharpie Tattoo


3 to 5 days

Print Your Own


1 to 2 weeks


$10 - $20

1 to 2 weeks


$10 & up

2 to 4 weeks

Press On Tattoo

$10 - $25 & up plus s&h

1 to 2 weeks

The cheapest way to get a temporary tattoo is to do it yourself with eyeliner or sharpie marker. The second most inexpensive tattoo would be to buy decal paper and print your own if you already have a printer. For a more detailed low cost temporary tattoo a small henna or airbrush tattoo would be the third least expensive costing around $20. Then comes the more realistic temporary tattoos from online companies. 

The Temporary Tattoo World Is Full of Possibilities

When we think of temporary tattoos the first thing that comes to mind is the cute little cut out versions, we were all introduced to as children. The excitement of tattoos and the possibilities to express yourself using yourself as the ultimate canvas has never been so tangible.

Not everyone is ready to get a permanent tattoo, but they are ready to experiment with choices and see actual results. Print on demand companies have expanded the choices and high tech appearance for real looking, no commitment, tattoos. You can custom design your own tattoo or choose from a premade lot. Either way the experience is thrilling, and no needles needed while considering making it permanent. 

Thanks For Reading!

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I also co-host a podcast for artists called Art Condition where we discuss the business and mindset for artists. Click here to see past episodes and subscribe on your favorite platform.