How to care for finger tattoos: Tips for healing and maintenance

Finger tattoos have become increasingly popular in recent years, offering a unique way to express oneself through body art. However, fingers experience a very unique set of conditions that make tattoo after care a little different than other parts of the body.

There are a number of environmental and biological factors that increase risk of infection and cause finger tattoos to fade much faster than other locations on the body. Because of this, there are unique considerations the collector should be aware of when getting tattoos on the fingers.

In this article, we will discuss these factors and the essential tips for healing and maintaining your finger ink. Whether you're a first-time tattoo recipient or a seasoned pro, these aftercare tips will help ensure that your tattooed finger heals properly and maintains its vibrancy for years to come. So, let's dive in and learn how to properly care for digit ink.

Unique Characteristics of Finger Fattoos: Understanding the Risks and Cautions

Unlike tattoos in other areas, finger tattoos require special attention due to the biological features of the fingers themselves. Before we jump right in to describing the best practices for after care lets briefly outline the risks and cautions that make the fingers such a special case for getting tattooed.

  1. Skin cells: The fingers replace skin cells faster than other areas of the body, which can cause the ink to fade more quickly. This is doubly true for area between the fingers and on the soft palm-side skin

  2. Thinner layers of cells: Thinner layers of skin on the fingers mean there is less subcutaneous tissue to hold ink in place, increasing the risk of ink migration and blurring over time.

  3. Environmental conditions: Exposure to the environment, such as hot and cold temperatures and sunlight, can cause the tattoo to fade and deteriorate more quickly. Additionally, contact with surfaces that increase exposure to bacteria can lead to infection and further damage to the tattoo.

  4. Flexing and friction: Constant movement and rubbing combined with sweat and dirt can cause the tattoo to wear away faster, particularly in areas that experience a lot of friction, like between the fingers.

    Proper care and protection can help minimize these risks and ensure your finger tattoo looks its best for years to come.

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An Important Note About the Side and Inside of Fingers

For all the above listed reasons ink fading on the fingers is a greater concern than other parts of the body. But for tattoos on the side or palm-side (inside) of the fingers, fading is almost a certainty! If you are thinking of getting a finger tattoo on the side or inside then fading is one thing you will have to accept as a part of the process. In the best of cases there will still, most likely be a bit of fading. More-so than what you would see in tattoos on the rest of your body.

But that shouldn’t scare you you away from the idea. If you love the idea of tattoos on your fingers then go for it! Just be prepared to take some extra care in the healing and maintenance. And if the tattoo is on the inside area of your fingers than your healing and care routine needs to be EXTRA on point! Keep reading!

How to Care for Your New Finger Tattoo

In order to ensure a successful healing process for your new finger tattoo, it's important to take proper care of it. This involves a combination of cleaning, moisturizing, and protecting the tattoo from the sun and harsh environmental conditions. In this section, we'll go over the specific steps you should take to care for your new finger tattoo.

  • Clean the tattoo regularly: Finger tattoos are more prone to infection so cleaning them regularly is very important. Do not us a soap that is too harsh! To clean your finger tattoo, use a gentle soap and lukewarm water. Avoid soaking the tattoo in water to prevent the ink from fading or bleeding.

  • Applying a healing ointment or moisturizer: This is crucial! You will want to apply more frequently but the moisturizer should be fully worked into the skin. Do not leave layers of ointment or moisturizer on the skin. Choosing the right product is key to keeping your finger tattoo moisturized and healthy. Apply the product correctly to avoid over-moisturizing or under-moisturizing the tattoo.

  • Protecting the tattoo from the sun: While healing avoid direct sunlight on your new finger tattoo whenever possible. When the tattoo is fully healed use sunscreen whenever your hands will be in the sun. Use the highest SPF you can find.

  • Avoiding harsh environmental conditions: During the healing process, it's important to avoid activities that will cause rough abrasions on your fingers, as well as extremes of temperature and exposure to harsh chemicals, dyes, and perfumes.

What to Avoid When Healing a Tattoo on Your Finger

After getting a new finger tattoo, the healing process is crucial to ensure proper ink retention and a great final result. While there are several things you should do during this period, there are also several things that you should avoid. The following are some of the common mistakes people make during the healing process and why it is important to avoid them to ensure your tattoo heals correctly.

  • Touching the tattoo with dirty hands or letting dirt remain in the area, can introduce bacteria to the area, increasing the risk of infection and slowing down the healing process.

  • Scratching or picking at the tattoo can damage the skin and cause scarring or uneven ink distribution, affecting the final look of the tattoo. Rubbing your tattoo can be tempting if they get very itchy. Avoid this by using an appropriate moisturizer!

  • Wearing tight clothing or jewelry that may irritate the tattoo can cause friction and irritation, leading to slower healing or damage to the ink.

  • Soaking the tattoo in water, such as swimming or taking baths, can cause the ink to fade or become blurry and increase the risk of infection.

Tips for Keeping Your Finger Tattoo Looking Great

After the healing process is complete, it's important to continue to take care of your finger tattoo to ensure it looks its best for years to come. Here are some tips for maintaining your finger tattoo:

  • Keeping the tattoo moisturized is essential to ensure minimal fading. Use a gentle, fragrance-free lotion to keep the skin hydrated. Apply the lotion to your finger tattoo a few times a day, especially after washing your hands or doing any activities that may dry out your skin.

  • Over time, finger tattoos may begin to fade or blur. Touching up the tattoo as needed can help keep it looking sharp. It's best to have a professional tattoo artist perform touch-ups, as they have the skill and expertise to ensure the new ink blends seamlessly with the existing tattoo.

  • Protecting the tattoo from exposure to chemicals or harsh elements is crucial to maintain its quality. This means avoiding exposure to chemicals such as bleach or cleaning products, and wearing gloves when doing activities that may cause damage to the tattoo, such as gardening.

  • Getting regular touch-ups to maintain the design is an important aspect of finger tattoo maintenance. Over time, the ink may fade or blur, and getting regular touch-ups can keep the tattoo looking fresh and new. Your tattoo artist can advise you on how often touch-ups may be necessary based on your specific tattoo and lifestyle.

Overall, maintaining your finger tattoo requires ongoing care and attention. By following these tips, you can ensure that your finger tattoo stays vibrant and beautiful for years to come.


In conclusion, finger tattoos require special considerations when it comes to aftercare and maintenance. It's important to keep the tattoo moisturized, protect it from exposure to chemicals and harsh elements, and get regular touch-ups to maintain the design. Additionally, avoiding certain actions during the healing process, such as touching the tattoo with dirty hands, scratching or picking at it, and soaking it in water can help ensure the best possible outcome. By following these tips and taking proper care of your finger tattoo, you can ensure that it stays vibrant and beautiful for years to come.